City of Frontenac, Missouri

A Heritage of Gracious Living, Shopping and Dining

Vacation Watch Form

 Step 1 of 1

If you will be away from home for a few days and would like a Patrol Officer to conduct periodic checks on your residence, please complete the form below. The form will provide us with all necessary information, including emergency contact names and numbers. This form is the best way to get your information logged.

NOTE: In order for you to register for Vacation Watch, you must create a website account with the City of Frontenac. Click below to either Create an Account, or Log In

If you have not already created an account, click here and then return here to complete the form below.

* Denotes a required field

Location Information

Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Phone Number*
-- ext

Vehicle Information

Please list all vehicles that will be left on the property. Year, Make, Model, Color, License #, State.
Do you have an alarm system?*
Did you know that the Frontenac Police will directly monitor your home alarm for less than most alarm companies? Please call us at 314-994-9300 for details, or look at the Police webpage at

Vacation Date(s) Information

Date Leaving*
Date Returning*

General Information

Will you have any lights on timer/sensor? 
Does anyone have your permission to be on your property? 
Do they have a key to your property? 

Pet Information

Do you have any pets? 
Who will be caring for the animals?
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Phone Number of Animal Caretaker 
-- ext

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Phone Number 
-- ext
Note: Please contact the Frontenac Police Department through our Dispatch Center at (314) 737-4600 if you return prior to the return date stated on this form, or if you will return at a date later than the return date you stated on this form.

Confirm You Are a Human

Please click submit when finished.